[mrtg] SNMP monitoring of Windows CPU/Memory/Disk
Bill Matthews
2005-06-09 17:57:46 UTC
Hi There,

I use MRTG for watching my routers (of course) and also use it to
monitor CPU/Memory/Disk on my Unix/Linux servers.

My question is, does Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 come with an SNMP
agent? If not, could I install net-snmp? Anyone have the MIBs?

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2005-06-09 18:04:28 UTC
Post by Bill Matthews
Hi There,
I use MRTG for watching my routers (of course) and also use it
to monitor CPU/Memory/Disk on my Unix/Linux servers.
My question is, does Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 come with an
SNMP agent? If not, could I install net-snmp? Anyone have the
Use SNMP Informant...much better.

Yeah, you could use net-snmp too, but not as good IMHO!
At least for the Windows boxes. It's great for the unix

Microsoft's SNMP is as broken as they come. Not worth even

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Shane Presley
2005-06-13 23:01:45 UTC
Use SNMP Informant...much better.
Yeah, you could use net-snmp too, but not as good IMHO!
At least for the Windows boxes. It's great for the unix
Microsoft's SNMP is as broken as they come. Not worth even
I'm having the same problem. I've got MS SNMP up, but trying to get
SNMP Informant up. The documentation seems lacking..or at least I
don't understand it. Is there an "install" guide?

Also tried Net-SNMP, it works, but I can't find the CPU/Memory MIBs.

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Laurence Sanford
2005-06-13 22:55:37 UTC
Post by Shane Presley
I'm having the same problem. I've got MS SNMP up, but trying to get
SNMP Informant up. The documentation seems lacking..or at least I
don't understand it. Is there an "install" guide?
Also tried Net-SNMP, it works, but I can't find the CPU/Memory MIBs.
Again, see my previous post in this thread, and try using snmpbulkwalk to
find the mibs. It's really not that hard. I'll take a look at some of the
output files I've got from snmpbulkwalk and clean some of them up, and
post the mibs somewhere if I can find the time.
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Garth Williams
2005-06-14 01:14:33 UTC
This post might be inappropriate. Click to display it.
Daniel maher
2005-06-10 18:43:46 UTC
There is a guy on this list who will tell you just to use SNMP
Informant. I think he's the owner or something, because it's actually
the only thing I've ever seen him talk about. I've used it, and it's
actually a pretty decent tool, so at least he's not lying. ;)

That said, both Windows 2000 (Server) and 2003 come with an SNMP service
that can be quickly and easily enabled (for free). Just go to your
Services Viewer, and look for the item labelled SNMP. It can be
controlled just like any other Windows service.

Oh, and good luck trying to get useful memory stats out of a 2000 box.
The stats that 2003 spits out are good, though.

Daniel Maher
System Engineer

-----Original Message-----
From: mrtg-***@list.ee.ethz.ch [mailto:mrtg-***@list.ee.ethz.ch]
On Behalf Of Bill Matthews
Sent: June 9, 2005 1:58 PM
To: ***@list.ee.ethz.ch
Subject: [mrtg] SNMP monitoring of Windows CPU/Memory/Disk

Hi There,

I use MRTG for watching my routers (of course) and also use it to
monitor CPU/Memory/Disk on my Unix/Linux servers.

My question is, does Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 come with an SNMP
agent? If not, could I install net-snmp? Anyone have the MIBs?


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2005-06-10 19:53:27 UTC
That might be me, it might not. I'm neither the owner, nor
the developer. Just a happy user.

Having said that, one problem I have is that the broken SNMP
that comes with MS servers has some serious drawbacks.
Interface indicies change randomly. The reported free disk
space is based on what the drive %full is at on boot, so if you
use up space while it's on (duh!, of course you will), it will
not catch the changes. There is no way to do 64 bit
counters on gig interfaces. Memory and process information
is spotty at best. Although some of this has gotten
better with 2003, there are few people out there that
have jumped to it.

SNMP Informant is free too. You just have to do a tad
bit more work to enable it vs. the stock MS one.

There is a guy on this list who will tell you just to use SNMP
Informant. I think he's the owner or something, because it's actually
the only thing I've ever seen him talk about. I've used it, and it's
actually a pretty decent tool, so at least he's not lying. ;)

That said, both Windows 2000 (Server) and 2003 come with an SNMP
that can be quickly and easily enabled (for free). Just go to your
Services Viewer, and look for the item labelled SNMP. It can be
controlled just like any other Windows service.

Oh, and good luck trying to get useful memory stats out of a 2000 box.
The stats that 2003 spits out are good, though.

Daniel Maher
System Engineer

-----Original Message-----
From: mrtg-***@list.ee.ethz.ch [mailto:mrtg-***@list.ee.ethz.ch]

On Behalf Of Bill Matthews
Sent: June 9, 2005 1:58 PM
To: ***@list.ee.ethz.ch
Subject: [mrtg] SNMP monitoring of Windows CPU/Memory/Disk

Hi There,

I use MRTG for watching my routers (of course) and also use it to
monitor CPU/Memory/Disk on my Unix/Linux servers.

My question is, does Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 come with an SNMP
agent? If not, could I install net-snmp? Anyone have the MIBs?


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Bill Matthews
2005-06-13 15:47:38 UTC
Thanks all. I'm still having some problems, both with the stock MS
service, and SNMP Informant.

Maybe my problem is I don't know which MIBs to watch?

In Linux/Unix I would watch:

ssCpuRawUser.0 & ssCpuRawSystem.0 to get CPU utlization
memTotalReal.0 & memAvailReal.0 to get memory
memTotalSwap.0 & memAvailSwap.0 to get SWAP
hrSystemProcesses.0 to get # of processes
hrStorageSize.whatever & hrStorageUsed.whatever to watch a disk

The only ones that work in W2K/W2K3 are hrSystemProcesses and
hrStorageSize. I can't seem to find any CPU, Mem, or Swap MIBs?

That might be me, it might not. I'm neither the owner, nor
the developer. Just a happy user.
Having said that, one problem I have is that the broken SNMP
that comes with MS servers has some serious drawbacks.
Interface indicies change randomly. The reported free disk
space is based on what the drive %full is at on boot, so if you
use up space while it's on (duh!, of course you will), it will
not catch the changes. There is no way to do 64 bit
counters on gig interfaces. Memory and process information
is spotty at best. Although some of this has gotten
better with 2003, there are few people out there that
have jumped to it.
SNMP Informant is free too. You just have to do a tad
bit more work to enable it vs. the stock MS one.
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Laurence Sanford
2005-06-13 16:06:20 UTC
Try this, watch for wrap, change to match your network numbers, etc. You
can also find mibs very close to these for drive usage, etc. It took me
several hours to track down all the win2k mibs I use using snmpbulkwalk
from my BSD box.

MaxBytes[]: 100
Title[]: CPU LOAD
PageTop[]: <H1>Active CPU Load %</H1>
Unscaled[]: ymwd
ShortLegend[]: %
YLegend[]: CPU Utilization
Legend1[]: Active CPU in % (Load)
Legend2[]: Active CPU in % (Load)
LegendI[]: Active
LegendO[]: Active
Options[]: growright,nopercent,gauge
XSize[]: 600
YSize[]: 200

0:***@ / 1024
MaxBytes[]: 1500000000
Title[]: Memory usage
PageTop[]: <H1>Free and Used Memory</H1>
kMG[]: k,M,G,T,P,X
YLegend[]: Memory
ShortLegend[]: bytes
LegendI[]: Free Memory
LegendO[]: Commited Memory
Options[]: growright,nopercent,gauge
XSize[]: 600
YSize[]: 200
Post by Bill Matthews
Thanks all. I'm still having some problems, both with the stock MS
service, and SNMP Informant.
Maybe my problem is I don't know which MIBs to watch?
ssCpuRawUser.0 & ssCpuRawSystem.0 to get CPU utlization
memTotalReal.0 & memAvailReal.0 to get memory
memTotalSwap.0 & memAvailSwap.0 to get SWAP
hrSystemProcesses.0 to get # of processes
hrStorageSize.whatever & hrStorageUsed.whatever to watch a disk
The only ones that work in W2K/W2K3 are hrSystemProcesses and
hrStorageSize. I can't seem to find any CPU, Mem, or Swap MIBs?
That might be me, it might not. I'm neither the owner, nor
the developer. Just a happy user.
Having said that, one problem I have is that the broken SNMP
that comes with MS servers has some serious drawbacks.
Interface indicies change randomly. The reported free disk
space is based on what the drive %full is at on boot, so if you
use up space while it's on (duh!, of course you will), it will
not catch the changes. There is no way to do 64 bit
counters on gig interfaces. Memory and process information
is spotty at best. Although some of this has gotten
better with 2003, there are few people out there that
have jumped to it.
SNMP Informant is free too. You just have to do a tad
bit more work to enable it vs. the stock MS one.
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