[mrtg] 3com ss3 firewall blank graph problem
Lawrence Vandyke
2006-02-22 13:17:56 UTC
I'm having problems getting MRTG to work properly with our firewall.
cfgmaker queries it and sets it up no problem, but when MRTG is run it
shows no data going through any of the three ports, the graphs are all
I know MRTG is ok because it graphs the traffic going through our
managed switchs fine.
The firewall is a 3Com superstack 3, I've set all SNMP traffic to be
allowed through on all ports and have configured all the SNMP settings I
can find: get community name, system name, system contact, system
location and host 1
This is our main firewall with constant traffic going through it, so im
sure the graphs shouldnt be blank.
The log files show all zeros. e.g. the log file starts
1140607329 0 0
1140607329 0 0 0 0
1140606636 0 0 0 0
and continues with zeros all the way down, the other log files are the
same. I've attached my mrtg.cfg
Im currently running MRTG manually with 'env LANG=C ./mrtg
/usr/local/mrtg-2/cfg/mrtg.cfg' and its running without any errors, and
is properly updating the graphs, ie the timeline is moving, but the
graphs are empty.
Please if you tell me to RTFM, tell me which one to read, because Ive
read the main one and several others.

Thanks very much for any help!

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Clemson, Chris
2006-02-23 12:20:28 UTC
Post by Lawrence Vandyke
I know MRTG is ok because it graphs the traffic going through our
managed switchs fine.
The firewall is a 3Com superstack 3, I've set all SNMP traffic to be
allowed through on all ports and have configured all the SNMP
settings I
can find: get community name, system name, system contact, system
location and host 1
This is our main firewall with constant traffic going through
it, so im
sure the graphs shouldnt be blank.
I had a problem with sonicwall's XPRS2 firewall a few years ago.
Although they said they supported SNMP, their counters didn't seem to do
It took several firmware updates (about a year's worth) before they
decided to fix this, which was highly annoying.

Could this be the case with yours?

Another problem I have come across with devices is a Netgear GS724T
switch, which logs traffic properly for about a week or so, then seems
to give up.
After a power cycle, it starts logging again. Very annoying. We were
thinking of replacing all our switches with this model, but I'm not
going to bother now.

It seems that not everyone can implement SNMP properly....

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